Vascular Consequences: A Case Report on Posterior Circulation Infarction as a Sequela of COVID-19

Anil M. Philip • Lina J. George • Shubhashis Saha • Sethu Sadanandan, DOI: 10.7759/cureus.65837  Abstract This case report presents a posterior circulation infarction in a previously healthy 39-year-old male, three months post-severe COVID-19. He presented with…[...]

Vascular Consequences: A Case Report on Posterior Circulation Infarction as a Sequela of COVID-19

Anil M. Philip • Lina J. George • Shubhashis Saha • Sethu Sadanandan, DOI: 10.7759/cureus.65837  Abstract This case report presents a posterior circulation infarction in a previously healthy 39-year-old male, three months post-severe COVID-19. He presented with…[...]

Evolution of neurologic symptoms in non-hospitalized COVID-19 “long haulers”

Authors: Sareen T. Ali,Anthony K. Kang,Tulsi R. Patel,Jeffrey R. Clark, et. al. ,May 2022 Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology Abstract Objective We characterized the evolution of neurologic symptoms and…[...]

New research points to possible reason for long COVID

A Spanish study suggests that SARS-CoV-2 mediated vagus nerve dysfunction (VND) could be responsible for long COVID. By SHIRA SILKOFF, FEBRUARY 2022 - The Jerusalem Post Many symptoms of post-COVID syndrome…[...]

Study Identifies Four Major Subtypes of Long COVID

DECEMBER 21, 2022, Nature Medicine SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, the virus which causes COVID-19, scientifically accurate 3D illustration showing surface spikes of the virus. Credit: Shutterstock The post-COVID syndrome known as long…[...]

COVID-19 and possible links with Parkinson’s disease and parkinsonism: from bench to bedside

David Sulzer, Angelo Antonini, Valentina Leta, Anna Nordvig, Richard J. Smeyne, James E. Goldman, Osama Al-Dalahmah, Luigi Zecca, Alessandro Sette, Luigi Bubacco, Olimpia Meucci, Elena Moro, Ashley S. Harms, Yaqian Xu, Stanley Fahn & K. Ray Chaudhuri  npj Parkinson's Disease volume 6, Article number: 18 (2020) Cite this article Abstract This Viewpoint…[...]

Common Skin Signs of COVID-19 in Adults: An Update

Five categories of cutaneous abnormalities are associated with COVID-19 By Samantha Polly, MD, and Anthony P. Fernandez, MD, PhD This article has been excerpted and reprinted (without references) from the Cleveland…[...]

Could tiny blood clots cause long COVID’s puzzling symptoms?

Scientists debate evidence for a micro-clot hypothesis that has some people pursuing potentially risky treatments Authors: Cassandra Willyard Nature 608, 662-664 (2022)doi: When Lara Hawthorne, an illustrator in Bristol, UK,…[...]

Who’ll Get Long COVID? Just a Look at a Patient Gives Clues

Authors: Dennis Thompson Jul 19, 2022 The Indiana Gazette ometimes just looking at a person can give clues to their likelihood of developing long COVID after a bout with the virus.…[...]