Late onset and persistent parosmia and dysgeusia as neurosensorial complication by the SARS virus COV 2

Patricia Sequeira Rodriguez, Rafael Santana Ortiz,at. al.Otolaryngol 2023: 2023.  doi:  10.1016/j.xocr.2023.100510, PMCID: PMC9850639,PMID: 3669145 Abstract About the neurological manifestations of COVID-19, smell impairment with some distortion or parosmia is currently one of the…[...]

Parosmia and COVID: How Long Changes in Smell Last, Plus Treatment Options

Christine Giordano, MD | Reviewed by Angela Dunn, MD, MPH, August 29, 2023 GoodRX Key takeaways: Many people experience changes in taste and smell after COVID-19 infection.  Changes in smell include a…[...]

In Long COVID, Doctors Offer Comprehensive Treatment

SEP 16, 2023 Authored by Marina Zhang, The Epoch Times  COVID-19 and long COVID may be linked to impaired sensory neurons, a recent study Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) study finds. Sensory…[...]

In Long COVID, Doctors Offer Comprehensive Treatment

SEP 16, 2023 - Authored by Marina Zhang The Epoch Times  COVID-19 and long COVID may be linked to impaired sensory neurons, a recent study Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) study finds.…[...]