USAID Helped Dems Steal 2020 Election by Funding Wuhan Lab That Created COVID, the Ultimate Excuse for Illegal Election Tampering

by C. Douglas Golden, The Western Journal  However, what if you were told you that USAID played a part in the catastrophic pandemic that helped the Democrats dramatically (and illegally) overhaul…[...]

The Great COVID Cover-Up? Public Doubt Over Lab Leak Persists

tippinsights, Editorial Board Americans Question, China Dodges, and the Truth Is a Casualty. COVID-19 may have passed, but the questions surrounding the virus that brought the world to a…[...]

Is This the Man Who Created COVID-19 in Fauci’s U.S. Lab?

by Will Jones Top U.S. virologist Ralph Baric engineered the COVID-19 virus SARS-CoV-2 in his lab at the University of North Carolina as part of his work in connection with the…[...]

5 things we know and still don’t know about COVID, 5 years after it appeared

By  LAURAN NEERGAARD, LAURA UNGAR and MIKE STOBBE, A.P. Five years ago, a cluster of people in Wuhan, China, fell sick with a virus never before seen in the world. The germ didn’t have…[...]

Behind Closed Doors: The Spy-World Scientists Who Argued Covid Was a Lab Leak

The idea that the pandemic’s origins lie with a research facility in China was once labeled a conspiracy theory By Michael R. Gordon,  Warren P. Strobel, WSJ A car and driver…[...]

COVID Select Subcommittee Releases Findings: Vaccine Mandates ‘Not Supported by Science,’ Mask Rules Useless

Hannah Knudsen Vaccine mandates were “not supported by science” and did “more harm than good,” according to the final report from the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, which has…[...]

Congressional probe determines COVID-19 ‘most likely’ leaked from Chinese lab

By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times -  The coronavirus that has killed millions of people worldwide “most likely” leaked from a Chinese lab where researchers were intentionally manipulating the virus, a two-year congressional…[...]